Wednesday 1 August 2012

#65 Weekend Recovery (06/04/12)

Today I’m glad to be back at work, sort of.  This weekend was hectic.  Over the two days I got an average of 10,000 steps each day.  Which is technically the average for a normal active person, but damn that is a lot for me.  My usual average lately is usually about 7000-8000.  An extra 2000 steps doesn’t sound like a lot, but it is (for me).  Since the fitbit has been introduced into my life, I have once made it 12,000 steps in a day, but the next day was recovery at 3,500 relax day. 

I think I need to buy some better shoes.  As a woman, I’m supposed to love shoes.  Not this woman though; I HATE shoe shopping.  But at this point, I think I need two pairs of shoes.  Once new work pair, as my shoes are getting scuffy and in an office that isn’t professional.  Second, since I’m doing more walking and what not, outside of the house, I need some runners/sneakers.  When am I going to find time to buy shoes?  Eek.  And budget wise, is it financially responsible to be able to buy two pairs at this point? 

So far on the gold stars we have 2 out of 3.  Sunday was a busy day, and we didn’t quite get requirements.  But I think the focus on minor points will help keep us going on the details that will help us in the long run. 

I think I need to start to blog a little on weekends.  Even if I can find 10 minutes to jot, while I’m in the day.  A lot of my blogging happens because I write when I have the thought, so it doesn’t get lost. 

The weekend weigh in didn’t go so well.  I didn’t lose anything, and my wife gained a little.  At this point I will chalk that up to stress last week. It was a very crazy week and focus just wasn’t available.  It was a very ADD week for myself, and a little for my wife as well.  So much going on, everything seeming to be hinging on pinnacle moments, but now our life isn’t on hold anymore and we can start to plan. 

Out one stress; in another.  Isn’t that the way things usually go?  I tend to be very list oriented.  Most of what I need to help with is now out of my control and I think that is stressing me a little more than it should.  Alas, I need to relax.  Tonight we are “having a day off”.  I don’t really see it as a day off though.  We are going to be doing the cleaning and what not, that didn’t get done over the weekend because we were helping pack.  There isn’t a lot to get done, but it usually seems that way, and before you know it the evening is done, it is late, and it is time to go to sleep.  Perhaps once we get over the first hurdle in packing the other house it will go quicker.  It is just a big task that seems to be hindered.  We made fair progress on the weekend, but the end goal still seems that much farther away.    

I just hope the weight loss progress will kick back in soon.  No progress is proving daunting.  To aid in the progress I increased my lunch walk a little more.  It is now 20 minutes and 1800 steps. 

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